Check out some of my recent blog posts

Can't Lose Belly Fat? Try These 3 Tips! Sep 13, 2024

Belly fat seems more stubborn than other fat, doesn't it?

Most people struggle with belly fat because they focus on isolating the issue.

They do a bunch of cardio to try to burn off fat. Usually...

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The Truth About "Calories In, Calories Out" Sep 12, 2024

"Calories in, calories out doesn't work for everyone!"

YES, it does. But I think what most people are saying is, "calorie counting didn't work for me"

And that's fair.

Tracking calories is not a...

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Protein Helps You Lose Fat, But You’re Doing It WRONG Aug 22, 2024

You've probably heard that you need more protein for the growth and maintenance of tissue, particularly muscle, and to help manage your appetite for fat loss.


But are you getting enough? The...

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How To Manage Your Appetite For Fat Loss Aug 16, 2024

It would be so much easier to lose weight if you weren't hungry all the time, wouldn't it?

And if all those delicious foods didn't look quite so tempting?

Appetite management is probably the key...

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Reduce Your Body Fat Percentage To 15% Jun 18, 2024

You need a calorie deficit for fat loss, but the leaner you are the harder and harder it becomes.

You can't just keep dropping your calories lower and lower forever. And with long-term caloric...

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Why 99% NEVER Reach Their Fat Loss Goals Jun 17, 2024

You have big fat loss goals and you start to get close.

But then something happens that starts to get in your way.

Maybe you get injured or sick or you just get very busy with work. Or maybe...

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Body Recomposition Guide: Lose Fat AND Build Muscle May 16, 2024

Build muscle and lose fat at the same times. Sounds great, doesn't it?

Now not everybody is going to be able to do body recomposition but I think pretty much everybody should try anyway. I'm going...

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You CAN Spot Reduce Your Abs?! May 07, 2024

Despite all the people you see crunching away at the gym, most reputable fitness professionals will tell you that you can't spot reduce your abs.

You need to reduce your caloric intake decreasing...

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Don't Go On A Diet. Do THIS Instead! Apr 19, 2024

It's very tempting to go on the latest diet craze whether it's keto or intermittent fasting maybe even carnivore. Some people will get results on these diets at least for the short term. But what...

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Should You Delay Drinking Coffee In The Morning? Apr 19, 2024

The 90-minute rule says you should wait at least 90 minutes from the time you wake up in order to consume caffeine, which for most people is coffee, and this allows your natural cortisol levels to...

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The Truth About "Fat Loss" Workouts Mar 27, 2024

Battle ropes, jumping jacks, squat jumps, burpees.

They're supposed to burn tons of calories and get you lean and fit but if you want an excuse not to do them I'm going to tell you why they're not...

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Building Lean Muscle Without Adding Bulk Jan 27, 2024

The whole idea of “lean muscle” is really a bit silly, when you think about it.

Muscle is either there or it’s not there, in its various sizes.

When people say they want to...

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